An Original Photographic of "Poseidon on the Atlantic", copyright, mkrause, 2004, 2011, at mkrause54@yahoo.com or mkrause381@gmail.com.
Poseidon is god of the Sea. Poseidon, Zeus, god of the Sky, and Hades, god of the Underworld, together rule the Earth and Mount Olympus, home of the Greek gods. What if they sometimes live among us?
Facing the Facts (Continued):
2. Getting the degree is only the first step in building a career in the professions.
If you have to spend your inheritance or savings or borrow heavily for school, it may not be possible to borrow more to open your office or start your business. There are not enough hourly or salary jobs to go around for highly educated professionals.
Public/Private partnership or quasi-governmental tuition sales projections to the contrary, there are a lot more degrees than there are available jobs. Large numbers of new immigrants create even more pressure and increase the glut of applicants for many job categories. Affirmative action on an ethnic or racial basis has often obscured the question of who is actually qualified for the job, a highly degreed but frequently credit reported applicant or an individual who becomes a tax deduction as a new hire.
The trend toward de-regulation and non-meritocracy job criteria in hiring makes the actually more qualified candidate less attractive financially to the company. An example of this are many "third-world" projects. Recently a Bill & Melissa Gates foundation funding call for proposals had the goal of making job tasks like malaria prevention and treatment suitable to be performed by the non-degreed, rather than be considered jobs for the glut of unemployed or underemployed medical and environmental scientists. But this trend toward profitable egalitarianism is much larger than only the incredibly successful Harvard drop-out Microsoft CEO Bill Gates.
(Read more on An Answer to the Question: "Is There Life After Medical School?" on http://monthlynotesfourteen.blogspot.com on www.google.com.)
Email mkrause54@yahoo.com or mkrause381@gmail.com to comment or request a copy of this or other blogs posted by mary for monthlynotesstaff on http://monthlynotesfourteen.blogspot.com (currently accessed through http://monthlynotes.blogspot.com) on www.google.com.
Graphic: An Original Photographic of "Poseidon on the Atlantic", copyright mkrause 2004, 2011, at mkrause54@yahoo.com or mkrause381@gmail.com on www.google.com.
Reference: www.wikipedia.com.
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